Daily Emails


Monday, December 4, 2017

"Leaving the Holy Land," by Mary Lou Ashur

Leaving the Holy Land.

I am leaving the Holy Land
Leaving behind sneakers dusted with white earth.
And waffled footprints on the hill of Salome's spite.
Whose fiery sunset is framed
In centurion olive trees.

I am leaving the Holy Land
Leaving zaatar’s bite and rose water’s kiss.
And the clamor of Sepulchure's pilgrims
Beneath smoked stained ceilings.
Cacophonous chants in tongues
And ardent cries of hope for children’s children

I am leaving the Holy Land
Leaving time set aside to to know that place of Jesus,
And walk on arid soil made sacred by His footsteps
Confirming life amidst in ruins and walls -
Silent witnesses to revolution.

I am leaving the Holy Land
Leaving the well where a Samaritan drew kind water.
And Lazarus inner tomb - empty and still.
And the Bethlehem’s hill of shepherds' awakening -
Palestine's walled off places - that lack intrinsic peace.

I am leaving holy land
Sunglasses sunk in the Sea of Galilee,
No respect, no mourning follows me
Only my exhale remains, mingled with prayers
And a tear.

I go to holy land,
Expecting the promises made on black rock hills -
Blessings to poor and peacemakers
The place of prayers and ancestors
Still alone, less afraid.

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