Daily Emails


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ten Daffodils

Today's warm temperatures allowed me to open the windows of my bedroom to let in a gentle ocean breeze. It is the first time since November since my windows were open for an extended period. The fresh air smells healthy. The sound of the ocean waves rhythmically lapping onto the rocks sounded like a familiar friend returned. Its presence provided peace.

Ten daffodils opened up to the world today. Dozens of plants dot the gardens and forests openings and will soon announce that they have arrived. Once again, it seemed like familiar friends returned.

I spent the afternoon collecting rocks to form a border for the garden beds. I suspect it will neaten up the beds and protect them from grass trimmers. I will work on another bed's border tomorrow. This is getting to be fun. Sometimes I feel like the outdoors is neater than my room.

Another evening stroll concluded my day. I just could not shut myself in my room when the stars were bright and the air so still. The quiet pond is intriguing me. I thought I saw reflecting eyes on the banks of the pond. I'll have to bring some Leki poles with me in case of a scared animal. In the darkness, I was nearly struck by a retreatant bicyclist who did not wear any reflective lights. I turned off my flashlight so I could be still in the darkness, but I see that I am to put safety first.

The evening sounds are different from the day. I feel as if I am more part of the forest because I need heightened senses to distinguish sights and sounds. It really is cool.

I love my work. I enjoy my life. A retreatant asked me if I like what I do and I thoughtfully responded yes. Even though I hear great stories of suffering, I hear tales of tremendous faith and a seeking of a God who desperately loves us and wants to be found. The sacred in my work increases each day and God is more present to me. I'm grateful. I'm damn grateful.

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